Established in 1999, FUYU door lock has gradually become one of the most famous door lock manufacturers in China because of high quality, high added value, variety and variation.


[Witness]'Special occupation' series, lock the old Cao (On)

by:FUYU lock     2020-01-20
2012-09- 04 Source: Hyundai lock industry website Browse: 1092 comment: 0 Core tip: Central 12 [Witness] 'Special occupation' Series program, lock Chi Lao Cao and the country's only Ming Shen Super B- class steel lock cylinder :[Witness] 'Special occupation' series of programs, lock fool Lao Cao, bank ATM Machine lock is one of the most difficult locks in the world, in the case of not knowing the password, it is difficult for ordinary people to open it, but Cao Qingmin only takes a few minutes. Cao Qingmin is a highly skilled locksmith who has been engaged in unlocking for more than 30 years. Since the in-depth study of ATM technology, Lao Cao has successfully opened more than 100 ATM machines. He went from the street locksmith of the lock stall to the unlocking teacher of the EU lock Association, locking from the tools for making a living to the things in his hands. Unremitting research and persistence have finally made Lao Cao's craft. Video Address: lock Chi Lao Cao (On)http://www . 16618. cn/news/201209/04/3754. Html lock crazy old Cao (Under)http://www . 16618. cn/news/201209/05/3756. Html tag: witness lock Chi Cao Qingmin Ming Shen Wu Qiliang
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