Established in 1999, FUYU door lock has gradually become one of the most famous door lock manufacturers in China because of high quality, high added value, variety and variation.


Are you still opening the door with a traditional mechanical lock? A thief can come in within ten seconds?

by:FUYU lock     2021-08-23
Let me give you a little science: general traditional household mechanical door locks need to be replaced in 3-5 years. If there is no condition to change the lock, remember to lock the door before going to bed and insert the key and twist it half a turn. Moreover, traditional door locks are easy to be destroyed by external forces, hidden safety hazards, and it is easy to face the embarrassment of forgetting to bring the key and not being able to enter the house. Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, smart homes have begun to enter thousands of households, and smart door locks have become more important. Home security guards, smart door locks are more secure, convenient, and advanced technology compound locks than traditional mechanical locks. What are the advantages of smart locks than mechanical locks? The editor of Fuyu Smart Lock believes that there are two aspects: 1. Technology is turned on. I understand that if technology is turned on, mechanical locks should be easier, or this type of cracking technology is more popular. 2. Anti-pry performance. This is actually talking about the security of the door. The mechanical locks of anti-theft doors are generally heaven and earth locks, that is to say, there are at least 3 bolts, top/bottom/side, the anti-pry performance seems to be better; Fuyu smart lock editor took a look, it looks like a lot of electronic codes The lock is not enough for this piece, but some people have said that the electronic code lock can alarm, and it will alarm in a few seconds. So in the end, I still need to remind everyone that there are millions of smart locks now, and you must pay attention to the quality of the lock rather than the appearance when buying a lock!
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The best way of custom door lock is to get a custom door lock lock manufacturing.
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