Established in 1999, FUYU door lock has gradually become one of the most famous door lock manufacturers in China because of high quality, high added value, variety and variation.


Asia Pacific Tianneng joined hands with Suning to ignite the smart lock carnival on June!

by:FUYU lock     2020-01-06
Entering June, the annual mid-year shopping carnival feast is coming, and the leading brand of China's smart lock, Asia Pacific Tianneng, has simultaneously created an explosive product matrix in the national Suning offline stores, and staged the biggest annual promotion, will be more safe and reliable'The smart lock benefits consumers! Under the line of June, the carnival purchase, focusing on building four major explosive products, Suning, relying on physical stores to start, gradually formed a full-channel marketing layout, the advantages of offline channels are particularly obvious. On June, Asia Pacific Tianneng and Suning will give full play to the joint efforts of high-quality brands and advantageous channels and jointly launch a large preferential policy! Across the country, four Asian-Pacific Tianneng smart lock products are subject to a unified price reduction promotion, with V3D as low as 1499 yuan, A1 as low as 1999 yuan and T5 as low as 2380 yuan, t6 is as low as 2980 yuan, sincere! It is worth noting that Asia Pacific Tianneng will focus on 23 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Kunming and Changchun, and the preferential policies will be added; According to their own situation, stores all over the country have increased their preferential treatment and bought locks to send gifts, bringing value-added benefits and quality consumption experience to consumers! In order to tie in with the carnival on June, Asia Pacific Tianneng headquarters has designed a series of promotional materials such as posters, X-display racks, standing cards, hanging flags and floor stickers to boost the sales volume of Asia Pacific Tianneng smart lock in Suning channel to a new high! For the highly experienced smart lock, Suning offline stores have created an all-round immersive experience for consumers, and Asia Pacific Tianneng smart lock is safe and reliable through visual, tactile and auditory transmission' The charm can also drive online sales, linkage and win-win! The strong combination of brands and channels has helped Asia Pacific Tianneng to lead the navigation industry. Since Asia Pacific Tianneng and Suning reached a strategic cooperation in 2017, great moves have been made continuously: In 2017, Asia Pacific Tianneng and Suning Tesco established the first intelligent door lock alliance in China, launch three exemptions and two guarantees'New industry standards; Since Asia Pacific Tianneng entered Suning channel, its sales growth rate is leading and its market share has increased significantly, winning Suning's 2017 speed Growth Award'Honor. Asia Pacific Tianneng and Suning support each other in the supply chain, product services, marketing resources, etc. , release huge vitality, and jointly create the ultimate consumer experience! In the future, Asia Pacific Tianneng will increase its cooperation with major sales channels, further improve its sales structure, improve the introduction and transformation of online traffic and the construction of offline terminal scenarios, relying on the advantages of sales channels to carry out accurate marketing, dig deep into the stock market, increase word-of-mouth marketing, enhance the sales share and brand influence of Asia Pacific Tianneng in the smart door lock market, and continue to lead the smart door lock industry in China!
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