Established in 1999, FUYU door lock has gradually become one of the most famous door lock manufacturers in China because of high quality, high added value, variety and variation.


Breaking the doubts of C-end users is an urgent problem to be solved in the smart door lock industry.

by:FUYU lock     2021-10-11
With the development and maturity of artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technology, smart door locks have emerged in 2016. According to the report of 'Smart Door Lock Market Status and Development Trend Forecast in 2017Above, the total output value of the smart door lock industry is about 6 billion yuan, reaching 10 billion in 2017. Smart door locks have not yet fully entered the family. For ordinary consumers, their awareness of smart locks is not high and they are in the stage of adaptation. Now the important application scenarios of smart door locks are banks, government departments, hotels, Residential areas, villas, hotels, etc. How to make more consumers recognize smart door locks and break the doubts of C-end users has become an urgent problem for the industry to solve. The characteristics of the current development of the smart door lock industry. As a new industry, the development of industrialization of smart door locks is becoming mature. From the emergence, development, expansion and popularization of smart door locks, the following major characteristics can be seen: First, the B-end The market is mature and the C-end market develops slowly. Because of the advantages of the convenience of smart door locks, the B-end market in some public places has a high degree of acceptance of smart door locks. However, as a C-end consumer group with low personnel mobility and general security threats, smart door locks have not yet found the real pain points of C-end users, and their development is relatively slow. Second, smart door locks are well-known, and market sales are not directly proportional. According to the '2017 China Smart Lock Application and Development White PaperAt present, the domestic smart door lock installation rate is only 5%, which is far lower than the 50% penetration rate of smart locks in European and American countries, and more than 70% in Japan and South Korea.
With new and upcoming social commerce technologies, the biggest change for lock manufacturing marketers will be a shift in focus from branding to lead generation and conversion.
Zhongshan Fuyu Hardware Products Co., Ltd. serves a wide variety of professional markets and industries across the globe. Contact us at Fuyu Door Lock Manufacturers to find the you have always dreamt of.
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There are so many factors that businesses have to weigh when producing lock manufacturing, and we are not going to pretend to grasp all of them.
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