Established in 1999, FUYU door lock has gradually become one of the most famous door lock manufacturers in China because of high quality, high added value, variety and variation.


How to open the fingerprint code lock when it is out of power

by:FUYU lock     2021-10-09
The fingerprint code lock can be opened when it is out of power! Because the fingerprint code lock has an emergency door opening method, for example:    1. Emergency mechanical key.   Emergency mechanical key is currently the most common emergency opening method for smart locks. Basically, most smart locks have this function. When the smart lock is out of power or the electronic part fails, the user can take out the mechanical lock key to open the door lock. Some users may encounter such a problem: because the smart lock is too convenient, they usually don't have the habit of taking the key out.   Solving this problem is also very simple. The editor recommends that users can lock the emergency machinery in a commonly used bag or car in case of emergency. Even if the mechanical key is not carried, it is inconvenient for users to worry about running out of batteries and unable to go home, because current smart locks have emergency charging ports.  2. Emergency charging function.   Now, the emergency charging function has become the standard for smart locks, and basically every smart lock is equipped with this function. Generally, the emergency charging port of the smart lock is at the bottom of the front panel. When the smart lock is exhausted, the user can charge the smart lock through a power bank and mobile phone data cable, usually within a few minutes to open the door to go home.
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