Established in 1999, FUYU door lock has gradually become one of the most famous door lock manufacturers in China because of high quality, high added value, variety and variation.


'Who can pry open this lock, I will give it to him '(Figure)

by:FUYU lock     2020-01-17
2010-10- 24 Source: Shandong Business Daily Browse: 391 comment: 0 Core tip: There is also an object on this Taobao festival, which is very inconspicuous in appearance but has a history of 100 years. This is a copper padlock. It is reported that this lock was made in the early days of the Republic of China and spread to the current owner, Uncle Zhang, in the 1950s s. The copper lock weighs about a pound. Although there are a few green spots on it, it can be used normally. Yesterday morning, the 76th-station community Taobao festival was held in Jinan Sangyuan North Community square. The reporter rushed to the event site at less than nine o'clock. Before entering the small square, he first heard the voice of bargaining. The scene was very lively. Twenty years ago, this thing was sold at this price, and 20 years later it was still at this price. And now it can't be found on the market, it is definitely worth collecting. The reporter heard the snoring from a distance. When I looked around, it turned out to be an old-fashioned phonograph. It is commendable that it has been put for so many years. The phonograph is still 80% new. In addition to the gramophone, the Booth also has old-fashioned vinyl records. These vinyl records have eight model operas, as well as 'white-haired girl. Black film is already very rare, and the model drama is even more rare. The most rare is that the eight model dramas are complete. The onlookers praised. The reporter picked up one of the records and saw the words of the old song troupe on it, and the record was quite complete. There is also an object on this Taobao festival. The appearance is very inconspicuous, but it has a history of a hundred years. This is a copper padlock. It is reported that this lock was made in the early days of the Republic of China and spread to the current owner, Uncle Zhang, in the 1950s s. The copper lock weighs about a pound. Although there are a few green spots on it, it can be used normally. The original key of this lock has been lost. I once took it to the lock factory to make up the key, but the lock factory told me that the key of this lock could not be made up, because the direction of its groove is exactly opposite to the current lock. The lock factory couldn't match the key. I thought that I had worked as a fitter for 40 years. I used the tools with ease. I took the steel file and grinded the key bit by bit according to my memory. Uncle Zhang said. After listening to Uncle Zhang's introduction, a onlooker said that the lock must be opened as soon as it was pried. Uncle Zhang smiled: whoever wants to open it will give it to him. When the onlookers asked Zhang about the price, he smiled and said that the lock had no price. He told reporters that he did not want to sell, but wanted to let the staff in the lock factory see it through the report. If you use the current lock to lock the warehouse door, you can't open it in a few years, you can only open it or open it. Look at this lock, it can still be used for nearly one hundred years. I wonder if the people in the lock factory can take it back to study and see how the locks were made and why they had such good quality. If the people in the lock factory come, I can send it for nothing.
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