Established in 1999, FUYU door lock has gradually become one of the most famous door lock manufacturers in China because of high quality, high added value, variety and variation.


Ding stare and Baidu push smart door lock, remote alarm

by:FUYU lock     2020-01-07
Although smart phones, smart routes, smart cameras and so on have all claimed to be the entrance to smart homes' However, a more entry level'The product began to be rejected. On May 22, Ding Zhi intelligent teamed up with Baidu Security to officially launch the smart door lock, which will also be held today at the first Asian Consumer Electronics Show (CES)Appeared on the market, competing with various intelligent hardware for eyeballs. Although many people like to mention the word 'entrance', I think the smart door lock is the entrance to the smart home, because if you want to enter the door, you have to unlock it. At this entrance, it has a scene of opening and closing the door here. It knows when you will go home, when you will leave home, who will come back, and how long you have stayed at home. It knows most accurately, therefore, through this information, you can mobilize the linkage of other smart homes, including air conditioners, light bulbs, etc. , to make your life more comfortable and save your energy' , Ding stared at Smart CEO Chen Bin told the Securities Daily Reporter. Of course, as a smart door lock, in addition to being given intelligence' In addition, security issues should also take another step. As the cloud security service provider with the largest market share, Baidu security will help Ding Zhi to strengthen the construction of network security system through its strong network security technology reserve and big data analysis capability, provide technical support for the security protection system. It is worth mentioning that Ding Zhizhi, founded in last May, has a founding team mainly composed of former Baidu employees. CEO Chen Bin was once the head of smart home in Baidu, from scratch to create Baidu Media Cloud, small intelligent hardware and other platforms and products. Prior to this, Ding Zhi intelligence has obtained investment from Lenovo Star and Xianfeng Huaxing.
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